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3PL Comparison

How to Compare 3PL Pricing

Finally a free way to make 3PL price comparison and selection easy…

We’ve created this fulfillment cost calculator to help companies like yours rank and compare fulfillment centers to find the best fit for your company.


As you may already know, 3PL analysis can be like comparing apples to oranges. Each 3PL has a unique pricing model that makes it nearly impossible to compare them side by side. The only way you can accurately compare pricing is by knowing the cost calculation for your total fulfillment costs per order, including pick and pack, packaging, shipping, receiving, storage, and account fees. We've built a complete 3PL pricing guide to help you understand how fulfillment service pricing works.


However, cost is only one criteria to consider. Customer service is equally as important, if not more important. When going through your list of fulfillment companies, you should always choose a 3PL that has reliable and reputable customer service (beware of customer service portals AKA where support tickets go to die). A consistent fulfillment center keeps your customers happy, which means they will leave good reviews and buy more. On the other hand, delayed and incorrect shipments result in negative reviews and fewer orders. Thus, paying $0.25 more per order for quality service can help you earn more in the long run. Additionally, issues will inevitably come up and it takes a load off your plate when you can communicate directly with a dedicated team and get problems sorted in hours instead of weeks.



How to use the 3PL Comparison Template:


  1. Enter your email in the form below to receive a free download link for the 3PL comparison chart.

  2. Fill in each 3PL’s pricing and rank other factors like customer service.

  3. Determine which factors are most important to you and weight them accordingly.


After you complete those steps, the template will score each 3PL out of 10! It’s that easy.


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